Monday, January 7, 2008

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U official coalition agreement PDK - LDK

official coalition agreement PDK - LDK
After several postponements in a row, today's Democratic Party and the Democratic League of Kosovo finally have formalized a coalition agreement, which was signed in the afternoon in the Assembly. Under the agreement, the mandate of the Kosovo institutions: Assembly Government and the President, stems from the elections of 17 November 2007, and extends the legal provisions in force. The following is the full text of the agreement:
Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the purpose of forming the central institutions of Kosovo, link this:


I. The basic principles of governance in Kosovo

1. The mandate of the Kosovo institutions: Parliament, Government and President, stems elections of 17 November 2007, and under the law takes effect,
2. Governance will be in full partnership and will be observed in all institutions,
3. The government will have a program on the basis of quality projects and partnerships, which will be adopted in the Assembly,
4. Evaluating the work of ministers and coalition partners do,
5. Candidates for ministers should be people with credibility and professional skills,
6. Candidates for ministers should not have conflict of interest with their private activities and governing positions.
7. Candidates for the ministers shall be nominated by the respective parties and appointed by the Prime
8. Removal is done by the Prime Ministers,

II. Separation of the positions of the central institutions:

1. President of Kosovo shall be elected from the ranks of the LDK, namely Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu,
2. Kosovo Prime Minister shall be elected from among the PDK, namely Mr. Hashim Thaci,
3. Speaker of the Assembly shall be elected from among the PDK,
4. The Kosovo government will have two deputy prime ministers, and, one proposed by the PDK and a proposed by LDK.

5. The division of ministries is as follows:

5.1. Ministries shall be the DCP are:

1. Ministry of Economy and Finance,
2. Minisitria of Energy and Mines,
3. Ministry of Transport and Communications
4. Ministry of Internal Affairs,
5. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
6. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development,
7. Ministry of Public Services.

5.2. Belonging Ministries LDK are:

1. Ministry of Justice
2. Ministry of Trade and Industry
3. Ministry of Health
4. Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports and Nonresidential
5. Ministry of Local Government.

5.3. Parties that govern the relevant ministries are responsible for nominating the minister and deputy minister.

5.4. Two ministries designed for training, meanwhile, will be separated from one ministry to each of the above-party, the LDK - PDK. In these ministries will have distribution - Minister will be from a party, and vice. Minister from another party.

5.5. Ministries will meet Serbian community are:

1. Ministry of Return,
2. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

5.6. The ministry will meet the Serb minority community is:

1. Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.

III. PDK and LDK obliged, in local elections in 2009 and national elections in order to compete as a single and without any previous coalition.
IV. Voting institutions, the President and the Government is in the package

V. Coalition partners vow that there will be no confidence motion to the President and Prime Minister.

VI. The agreement is effective immediately for a term of government.

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