Wednesday, December 2, 2009

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Carmen Almanac 2010 is back! Mapping Workshop Actors

Weather flew - but still all Chhalaku Yachay team was happy to be able to embrace again our beloved Carmencita, when the day Monday, November 30, at night came back from his trip to Austria. According
by Carmen, along with his traveling companion Javier Community Foundation Axion has had a chance to meet Bolivia - with all its diversity in terms of ecological, social, cultural, etc. - Many people in Austria through workshops and visits which were carried out during his month stay. It was hard work - but always had the unconditional support of Bruder und Schwester team in Not in Innsbruck. And Carmen is the great satisfaction of having known in vivo 'other world' which has received much solidarity with Bolivia - and also being able to know - apart from Bolivia - our work, with the hope that the solidarity and support from Austria also join us in future .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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12 and 13 has made an intensive workshop on the theme of 'Mapping the Stars' with l @ s @ s coordinator of different projects Yachay Chhalaku.
Based on the course of the morning the first day, l @ s @ s coordinator developed with the active participation of their teams a mapping of actors to a particular approach to working within their projects.
This was submitted on the morning of the second day, where they could answer questions, modify and validate the guide in the future serve as a basis for mapping Chhalaku Yachay actors.
In this context we appreciate the support of Ms. Pilar Illanes who provided guidance material regarding the mapping of actors Yachay Chhalaku which served as a guide in order to build according to institutional needs.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Solidarity Project Representative visit to the area of \u200b\u200baction of Yachay Chhalaku

7 and 8 October, a English volunteer organization Solidarity Project has visited Yachay Chhalaku live to see the work we are doing en el área de educación, particularmente en el área rural. Mediante de una salida al campo (Distrito V y Cantón Palca), Felipe por un lado ha podido enterarse de la situación difícil de vida en lugares alejados como Challviri y comunidades aledañas, pero también del trabajo que Yachay Chhalaku va desarrollando en coordinación con las escuelas y organizaciones comunitarias para juntos diseñar y aplicar estrategias de solución, específicamente desde el ámbito educativo.
Esperamos que Proyecto Solidario a futuro también estará entre l@s amig@s solidari@s que van apoyando nuestro trabajo.

Monday, September 28, 2009

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Second Fair 'Contribution of NGOs' Development of Cochabamba

The Red 'Association of NGOs working on Health `ASONGS on Friday, September 25 for the second time has made a fair in the city of Cochabamba, where NGOs, foundations and private development institutions have shown to the public its contribution to overall development of the Department of Cochabamba.
Chhalaku Yachay also as a member of the above network, participated in the fair, exhibiting through 5 stands the various projects currently being carried out. For this purpose, during the previous two weeks, Chhalaku Yachay team has worked to prepare clear, accurate and teaching on the work under of each project and results achieved to date. This information has been captured on posters, flyers and in the new brochure of the institution (see image above).
With joy we can see that l @ s Fair visitors were present in quantity and with great interest in our booth, demonstrating impressed with the work, so we believe we have managed to find Yachay Chhalaku and its contribution to public broader.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

25 Yrs Birthday Quotes

voluntary Farewell Hanna

A way to acknowledge the assistance of volunteer Hanna, the day before his return to Italy was carried out little treat for her. The team took this opportunity to thank the great desire that Hanna had put in all the times that he would support the different teams at work, wishing you well all the best for their return and their future. THANKS
, Hanna, for your contribution to building a more caring world.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Serving 7 years! Consolidation

Last Friday, in the afternoon, Yachay Chhalaku celebrated the seventh anniversary of its founding. Apart from a lunch with the whole team has also performed the traditional q'owa - thanking all the good fortune that has accompanied us in these last seven years while also calling for the future we attain the goals we have set. To our great joy, community (represented by the leader of the Sub-Central Edwin Smith), and Tutimayu school (represented by its director, Prof. Pedro Alvarez) also showed up, surprising us with a 'Serenade' by school band in appreciation of the support that the institution has provided the community over the years. CONGRATULATIONS

, YACHAY CHHALAKU!, And a special thanks to all persons and organizations who have supported us during these 7 years ...

Monday, September 7, 2009

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Yachay Chhalaku participation in Project Hope

By participating in a series of coordination meetings and planning to start Stewardship Project 'Hope' Planting Network ASONGS, Yachay Chhalaku has consolidated its participation in it, along with 9 others members.
The overall objective of the project mentioned is' Strengthen women's organizations for social control and political influence from gender perspectives, intercultural and integrated health regarding health services and services municipal comprehensive legal, also contributing the incorporation of gender in departmental and regional status and indigenous municipal charters, as well as the modification of the rules of SUMI and SLIs `.
Each of the 10 women participating will execute this project in their territory of action, if Yachay Chhalaku then in the town of Sacaba, where the actions foreseen in the framework of 'Spreading Hope' will strengthen and complement the work Project under the Community and School Health Education and Integration of Women Leaders for Development with Equity and Identity.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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Planting Internal workshop on the current national and local context of the voluntary

On Sunday, August 30, has held a workshop for the whole team on the current institutional national and local context in which we are developing our activities. For this purpose, first Carmen Sanchez made a socialization of the contents of a module of the Leadership Program that she is currently enrolled in the IDEA Foundation, also with a view to prepare for their trip to Austria.
On the other hand, Antonio Garcia, Director of Yachay Chhalaku, socialized knowledge and practical experience on the topic with the institutional team, the same as actively involved by working in groups.

Monday, July 27, 2009

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Presentation Workshop

From middle of this month we again with the support of a voluntary Suedtirol / Italy: Hanna DeMichiel. Through the Program of solidarity visit the OEW (World Organization for Solidarity), Hanna will be collaborating on a voluntary basis to work for two months Chhalaku Yachay. Its area of \u200b\u200baction is mainly in the context of educational work, support in the preparation of materials for different activities, as well as work directly with children in the communities. Welcome

, Hanna! THANK YOU for your support.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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Lady Gaga Miley Cyrus

All Five 13-it is a classic genre? Hahaha first I hear:) The first part of 1980. I may accept it, but all the next nine parts? Slight exaggeration:) Older parts have a certain atmosphere, and sometimes you might fear. However, the part that was supposed be a remake of the first part of the first part of the climate is not for a penny, and no classic of the genre will not ... thankfully:) I think this could be an example Lady Gaga Miley Cyrus how not to do horror, but since grossed over U.S. $ 60mln to But this puppy love will continue to arise. I do not recommend the movie, of course:)
Crisys off-line search for other posts by this user in this forum May 25, 2009 1:06 Reply
This is another American film in the style of `attack of mutant rattlesnakes on the United States 7` I think everybody knows what I mean. ..
CHUDYx off-line search for other posts by this user on this forum May 25, 2009 9:29
answer once I saw a speech from the movies with Jason but she is not part of knocks but it can look just like those old versions of the six parts. In this latest produkchi seen from Jason has learned to run and chase their prey. Thanks to this film was not such a jzu without brains as before with Jason suddenly reappearing in some place which at the time was that it was impossible: D This generally well-filmed movie but they did not have that something that old versions. 5 / 10