Thursday, October 15, 2009

How To Use Mega Upload Cookie

12 and 13 has made an intensive workshop on the theme of 'Mapping the Stars' with l @ s @ s coordinator of different projects Yachay Chhalaku.
Based on the course of the morning the first day, l @ s @ s coordinator developed with the active participation of their teams a mapping of actors to a particular approach to working within their projects.
This was submitted on the morning of the second day, where they could answer questions, modify and validate the guide in the future serve as a basis for mapping Chhalaku Yachay actors.
In this context we appreciate the support of Ms. Pilar Illanes who provided guidance material regarding the mapping of actors Yachay Chhalaku which served as a guide in order to build according to institutional needs.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ptosis Surgery Edmonton

Solidarity Project Representative visit to the area of \u200b\u200baction of Yachay Chhalaku

7 and 8 October, a English volunteer organization Solidarity Project has visited Yachay Chhalaku live to see the work we are doing en el área de educación, particularmente en el área rural. Mediante de una salida al campo (Distrito V y Cantón Palca), Felipe por un lado ha podido enterarse de la situación difícil de vida en lugares alejados como Challviri y comunidades aledañas, pero también del trabajo que Yachay Chhalaku va desarrollando en coordinación con las escuelas y organizaciones comunitarias para juntos diseñar y aplicar estrategias de solución, específicamente desde el ámbito educativo.
Esperamos que Proyecto Solidario a futuro también estará entre l@s amig@s solidari@s que van apoyando nuestro trabajo.