Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ashleigh Canada Model

Anniversary Participation and Community Education Unit Tutimayu Third

the 25th of September, we celebrated the anniversary of the Community Education Unit Tutimayu. In recognition of the efforts of the Education Unit, represented by its director and faculty, to promote quality education in the community, Yachay Chhalaku handed over computer equipment to the school to provide education regarding field computer.
other hand, appreciates and values \u200b\u200bthe work of the leaders and Tutimayu leaders to advance the interests of the community, in partnership with all organizations and institutions alive, it gave letterhead for Agricultural Subcentral Tutimayu, as well as for its women's organization '`Umachay Bartolina Sisa.

TUTIMAYU CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DAY! Continues, with the support of people as committed as Don Fortunato Arnez (Subcentral leader), Don Edwin Martinez (ex-leader of the Sub-Central), Ana Sanchez (President of the Organization of Women), Prof. Peter Albar ( Director of the Education Unit) and many other women and men.

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Get Rid Of The Plasticsmell

ASONGS Fair on the contribution of NGOs to the development of the department of youth

On Friday, September 17, the Association of NGOs working on Health (ASONGS) for the third time has organized an exhibition with the theme 'The contribution of NGOs, foundations and private development institutions in Cochabamba department `. This time the event has developed in the Busch Plaza (City of Cochabamba), where members of other institutions invited ASONGS and proceeded to present to the general public that is doing work in different provinces and municipalities of Cochabamba. Yachay Chhalaku
As we made a presentation of our current projects that were explained to and the many visitors to our stand. We are delighted that our work has captured the interest of the visitors and as such no dud event to create awareness on the situation of indigenous peasant communities with whom we conduct our work.