Saturday, April 23, 2011

How Many Periods In A Place-value

Merry Christmas!

My Dear.
To celebrate Easter, I wish you above all that is good, because this statement contains everything. Let
health does not leave you, because without it there is all of our actions.
Be creative, consistent, full of freshness and a lot of ideas.
And since all work and no man alive, the success of after-hours, in private life.


With Christmas greetings, Paul

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Furry On American Idol

Babska jungle invites you to Biżukreacje!

perfect jewelry is one in which it looks great regardless of whether they currently have to something beyond;) Many of us love earrings, necklaces, brooches and other trinkets, which add to the charm of each creation, and also subtly emphasize the wearer.

Workshop "Biżukreacje" offer the opportunity to create their own jewelry. Such, we alone can think, perfectly in harmony with your interior and unique, because, made by you, the only person who really knows what you need and what you like;)

If you want to learn how to create jewelry, spend time in a nice circle, discover the previously unknown skills and just relax from everyday life while relaxing pastime, meet us at the next workshop jewelery! Welcome.

MORE INFO AND REGISTRATION: rsztaty/pokaz/1/32 /

Monday, April 18, 2011

Where Cani Buy Canned Lobster Bisuqe

Studio I'm in Ochota invites!

Yours ,
Paul on behalf of the studio is.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Should My Washer Blow Warm Air From The Bottom

Voice Workshop - Studio I

announce the recruitment for the new group, Voice for the workshop.
we go after picking 10 people. Classes will be held at Ochota, every Saturday from 16:00. One meeting will be approximately 100 minutes of work on the voice.
information below:

Do you have any questions?
Write, call.

507 134 804


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Can You Get Shingles On Yr Ankle


Attention attention!

Next week I will give you a deadline for the next "Website For cooperation."
will also be information on voice workshops. We have a cool place where the meetings are held, we are working on the details. With the second edition we start with the beginning of May. Stay tuned

blog, write e-mail, Komentujcie!

Regards, Paul