Sunday, September 7, 2008

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One of the potential applications of these techniques can detect lies. Yet we know that scientists working on such a solution will have to bear in mind how difficult it is to distinguish processes psychological developments lie in the brain during the processes such as excitement or impatience.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

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Russian defense ministry spokesman said that Georgia has formed a group of mercenaries made up of Georgians, Ukrainians and Chechens. Dressed in uniforms of Russian mercenaries would ransack Gori. 20% Daily 2008-08-16 9:23 20% Daily 2008-08-15 12:44 20% Daily 2008-08-15 12:31 20% Daily 2008-08-15 12:25 60% Weekly 2008-08-15 12:00 20% Daily 2008-08-14 11:43 20% Daily 2008-08-13 23:30 20% Daily 2008-08-13 19:38 20% Daily 2008-08-13 17:39 20% Daily 2008-08-13 17:39 20% Daily 2008-08-13 17:31 20% Daily 2008-08-12 20:29 20% Daily 2008-08-12 19:54 20% Daily 2008-08-12 19:54

All this will be filmed by television, and then presented to the world as the cruelty of the Russian machine wojennejRzecznik Russian defense ministry
All this will be filmed by television, and then presented to the world as the cruelty of the Russian war machine - the spokesman said.

Such provocation - has declared its part, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - could be carried out only by the Russian side in order to keep Russian troops in the conflict zone.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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It is worth looking
to be more critical of their weight and check your BMI. It is best if your weight is normal (BMI 19-25). Obesity promotes well-being worse during pregnancy, the appearance of symptoms, difficulties in childbirth. Underweight and can cause low birth weight in children, and malnutrition during pregnancy promotes emergence of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure in children.

If you decide to slimming treatments must be a rational treatment, which runs at a quiet pace. Drastic diet may cause deficiency of vitamins or ingredients Mineral . A minimum of 3 months before conception should begin stabilization of body weight.

nutrition during the preparation process should be consistent with the principles of proper nutrition. It is important to exclude from the diet drugs such as alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cigarettes . Should be replaced by ready meals are prepared independently of the main products. Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly cleaned, meat and milk are not eaten in a raw state (protection against toxoplasmosis, listeria).

During this period, great importance for the body is adequate supply both vitamins and minerals. should exercise restraint in taking their supplements . Both the deficiency and excess is a health hazard. In particular, excess fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) is dangerous, because they are harder to remove from the body than water-soluble such as C.

Supplement, after which every woman should go well for 3 months before pregnancy and and in the first trimester is folic acid in an amount of 0.4 mg / day . Also important is the adequate supply:

  • Calcium (deficiency causes muscle spasms),
  • zinc (too little action impairs the female reproductive organs),
  • iodine (deficiency hypothyroidism is conducive to the child mental disability),
  • iron (its a small amount of reduction in favor fertility, the emergence of anemia in pregnancy).

For this reason, the diet should not run out of milk and dairy products, all kinds of vegetables, paying particular attention to dark green, fruit, lean meat, fish, whole-grain products - breads, meal, brown rice, wholemeal pasta.
Distribution of food groups should be consistent with nutritional pyramid, namely:
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  • grains (5 servings),
  • vegetables (4 servings) and fruit (3 servings)
  • dairy products (in an amount of about 2 cups of milk or milk substitutes),
  • meat, nuts, legumes, fish (1 portion).

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Soya is a very good source protein, hence it is often used in a vegetarian diet. Although it is animal protein is one of the major components of a healthy, well balanced diet, soy contains a similar set of amino acids as animal protein is mentioned. Some of its advantages outweigh those that provide the meat. One of the major positive features is that soya beans not contain purines . These are compounds that contribute to the deposition of uric acid in the joints. This in turn hinders the absorption of calcium. One can, therefore, say that increasing the dose of soy in the diet at the expense of meat could be an element in the prevention of osteoporosis . Soybeans also contain many B vitamins, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and magnesium.

Besides all these advantages, however, soy also has one, although a significant disadvantage. This is because the source tioglikozydów . These are compounds that impair thyroid . Therefore, we must remember that the daily dose of soy should not exceed 50 g. Larger quantities can contribute to a will. While cooking in some degree eliminate these harmful substances, it should be remembered that they are washed away in just about 30%.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

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  • ). We know about him so much that is bristolczykiem, their sprejowanymi images adorn the walls and most streets of London, and despite the huge popularity he manages to remain anonymous. A lot of speculation about his personal profile. Daily Mail (unreliable source), for example, argues that the Banksy is the man: few weeks ago, producers of Lost have stated to all, to that not comment on the latest episode of the fourth series, nor betray any details about the fifth series, until July 27 (fairs Comic-con 2008). No (?) Unfortunately did not persevere long in that provision. One of them - Carlton Cuse, was present at the recent TV and Film Forum in China, and revealed some details about the fifth series. Feel free to read!
  • Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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    Start a session on the Warsaw Stock Exchange saw a slight drop odreagowanie. During the two days since the WIG20 index lost 4.6 percent. This time he managed to knock up a little. Unfortunately, that did not last too long, but investors are tentatively trying to defend itself against quilter down.
  • opening of stock markets in the U.S. for us to have no illusions that by the end of the session fail to go on national indices plus. In Europe, the situation did not look too rosy - British FTSE and Germany's DAX lost more than 1.5 percent today. It should be noted that, again like yesterday, our stock market is one of the weakest in the region.
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    Sunday, May 18, 2008

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    hit the "Got talent "soon will settle on our screens through TVN. Casting underway for a television bosses looking for suitable jurors. They already have a type. What?
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  • writes service, TVN plans to recruit, proven already in the "Idol" Cuba Province. Zanany the cut tongue and a very sincere speech would make a great Cuba to the role of raw juror new show. 12 and 13 May in the building of the Baltic Philharmonic in Gdansk on the street Ołowianka held a second audition for the new TVN - Got Talent
  • decided his chances use hundreds of performers - from singers and dancers of the chorus, a group of mimes and acrobats. At the audition they met, holders of talent between the ages of 5 to 90 .. Talent
  • Among its forces trying to find themselves among other things: walking on glass and nails fakir, magician, master of nunchaku, jugglers, a virtuoso on drums, violinist, a follower of the votes of people and animals, rock bands, polyphonic male choir from Wejherowo , fire dancers, Hackney duo, accordionists, street theater, acrobats, opera singers, gymnasts, and many others ... Among
  • waiting to interview candidates for the program, particular attention was a family troupe of street theater "pin" which includes the clown, Miss Polish deaf, mime, juggler and stilt walkers in one, a teenage champion monocykla and graceful dog with the Cake.
  • reports:
  • Participants
  • But the most important and probably also the biggest surprise, which is preparing TVN Cuba Province, which is to be chairman of the jury of this program. Cuba years before he became known as the controversial juror "Idol." It was his attempt to follow later, many novice journalists. But back to the judge's seat will be a good solution and restore the splendor of the Provincial career? TVN hopes so. And although neither party wants to confirm this information, the presence of Cuba in a show of "Got Talent" is already a foregone conclusion! Video
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    ~ usually do not like the subject, so that we can not ... we can not because we do not like. Daily devotes special attention to the subject you do not like / not you. Maybe something will change?

    -> UNDERSTANDING stupidly not learn by heart. You need to know what's going on in what you remember ... After reading such definitions, or notes you translate what was written there in your own words!

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    Monday, January 7, 2008

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    U official coalition agreement PDK - LDK

    official coalition agreement PDK - LDK
    After several postponements in a row, today's Democratic Party and the Democratic League of Kosovo finally have formalized a coalition agreement, which was signed in the afternoon in the Assembly. Under the agreement, the mandate of the Kosovo institutions: Assembly Government and the President, stems from the elections of 17 November 2007, and extends the legal provisions in force. The following is the full text of the agreement:
    Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the purpose of forming the central institutions of Kosovo, link this:


    I. The basic principles of governance in Kosovo

    1. The mandate of the Kosovo institutions: Parliament, Government and President, stems elections of 17 November 2007, and under the law takes effect,
    2. Governance will be in full partnership and will be observed in all institutions,
    3. The government will have a program on the basis of quality projects and partnerships, which will be adopted in the Assembly,
    4. Evaluating the work of ministers and coalition partners do,
    5. Candidates for ministers should be people with credibility and professional skills,
    6. Candidates for ministers should not have conflict of interest with their private activities and governing positions.
    7. Candidates for the ministers shall be nominated by the respective parties and appointed by the Prime
    8. Removal is done by the Prime Ministers,

    II. Separation of the positions of the central institutions:

    1. President of Kosovo shall be elected from the ranks of the LDK, namely Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu,
    2. Kosovo Prime Minister shall be elected from among the PDK, namely Mr. Hashim Thaci,
    3. Speaker of the Assembly shall be elected from among the PDK,
    4. The Kosovo government will have two deputy prime ministers, and, one proposed by the PDK and a proposed by LDK.

    5. The division of ministries is as follows:

    5.1. Ministries shall be the DCP are:

    1. Ministry of Economy and Finance,
    2. Minisitria of Energy and Mines,
    3. Ministry of Transport and Communications
    4. Ministry of Internal Affairs,
    5. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
    6. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development,
    7. Ministry of Public Services.

    5.2. Belonging Ministries LDK are:

    1. Ministry of Justice
    2. Ministry of Trade and Industry
    3. Ministry of Health
    4. Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports and Nonresidential
    5. Ministry of Local Government.

    5.3. Parties that govern the relevant ministries are responsible for nominating the minister and deputy minister.

    5.4. Two ministries designed for training, meanwhile, will be separated from one ministry to each of the above-party, the LDK - PDK. In these ministries will have distribution - Minister will be from a party, and vice. Minister from another party.

    5.5. Ministries will meet Serbian community are:

    1. Ministry of Return,
    2. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

    5.6. The ministry will meet the Serb minority community is:

    1. Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning.

    III. PDK and LDK obliged, in local elections in 2009 and national elections in order to compete as a single and without any previous coalition.
    IV. Voting institutions, the President and the Government is in the package

    V. Coalition partners vow that there will be no confidence motion to the President and Prime Minister.

    VI. The agreement is effective immediately for a term of government.

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