Saturday, February 24, 2007

How To Write A Letter To Supply

Big Brother Before Surgery - good attitude

What we picture in the theatre of our mind becomes our reality. You are now your own writer, actor, editor and producer. Medical science has found that a person with a good attitude about the outcome of their surgery has a 100% better chance of recovery than one who has a negative or pessimistic attitude. You are
creating, through mind power, the positive attitude needed to help you to complete recovery. Congratulations! You are doing fine. Now let the scene change to the room where the procedure is to take place. If you don’t have a definite picture, make one up. You are feeling relaxed and confident, want that to happen, let it happen. Notice how much more relaxed you are. You are doing fine. This is your decision. The physician is there to help you repair your body so that you can have wellness and peace of mind.
Co-operation is the word for the day. You relax even deeper as the anaesthetic is administered,and you only need a very small amount to get your body ready for the procedure, and this is so. You are doing fine. Once again, it is you who have made the decision to co-operate and as a result of the relaxation your body onlyneeds a very small amount of to keep you at the perfect level for the procedure. You can hear noises around you, but you pay no attention to them.
The scene changes... back to the lake. You find yourself on a lovely safe swing. It has a nice steady rhythm and you feel calm and relaxed as you look out onto your lake of peace. Calm and relaxed... Enjoying the scene that is before you. Feeling the rhythm of the swing, smelling the aromas of nature, enjoying the sun on the water and the seagulls sailing through the air. Calm and relaxed...calm and relaxed...calm and relaxed.


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