Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mylanta Four Year Old

Healing Before Surgery - positive suggestions

There is an awareness that a procedure has taken place. You can feel a little pressure, but that is all. Any discomfort is minimal and you are full of energy. You are in control and healing has begun and will continue. You are well. It is
now time to thank your spiritual partner for being with you on this important journey. I’ll give you time......(15 sec) · I am in control. I create my own reality. · Negative thoughts have no power over me, I am in control. · I create my own reality through the power of my mind, and this is so. · I persistently think and act in the direction of my good and my goal; to be a happy, healthy, relaxed person.
· I am love. I am loving, loved and beloved.
· I am healed by the Creative Force within me.
· My body knows just how to keep me well and I pay close attention to its signals. I obey those signals, I relax, I let go and stay well.
· My body systems are co-operating with the surgical procedure, we are all working together to create healing.
· My blood pressure is normal. My blood count is perfect.
When the time is right, just open your eyes feeling wonder-full, knowing that you are in control of all that happens to you. You do create your own reality. Today, your reality is that of a relaxed healthy human being, feeling balanced in body, mind and spirit. And this is so! If you are using this during the surgical procedure continue to stay at your lake of peace until you hear that it is time to awaken. The recovery room nurse is saying your name. Notice how good you feel and will continue to feel. Your recovery happens quickly, easily and effortlessly, and this is so.You are doing fine. If you are listening to this in preparation for the procedure you may open your eyes now, knowing that you have created a new reality for yourself, and this is so.
NOTE: Every time you say, “You are doing fine,” insert the persons name. Let your voice be expressive of the wellness that is there for your client. You, through the power of your words, give hope and encouragement to this person. Your voice is what has been there for them during this stressful event. You do make a difference. YOU ARE DOING FINE !!!


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